St. John's is a congregation of caring and confessing Christians. We belong to the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod which has a long history of a stalwart and bold setting forth of the truth for the salvation of every hearer.
Hopefully, as you view our other pages, you will come to know St. John's as a place and people of which you would like to be a part.

8:00 a.m
10:30 a.m
7:00 p.m
Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes:
9:15 a.m.
HOLY COMMUNION is celebrated on the first and third Sunday of every month as well as at each of these festivals: Easter, Christmas, Maundy Thursday, Ascension, Pentecost.
ATTENTION: All services are currently in-person. We invite you to join us for worship at church. You may also listen to the podcast of our services on this website, or view the full video of our services on our church Facebook page or on YouTube.
Click here to learn more about the Moving Forward As One In Christ Capital Campaign for Good Shepherd Lutheran School.
What We Believe
God is the Creator of the universe with all its grandeur and beauty, and that He sustains it with His almighty power.
He also created our first parents
He also created our first parents, Adam and Eve, in His own image that they might live in fellowship with Him and care for His creation.
We accept God's record
His creative activity found in Genesis with full confidence, therefore we condemn every doctrine which denies or limits what Scripture teaches concerning creation, condemning as well the modern theory of evolution as false science and ungodly human opinion.